Monday, July 6, 2015

***EXTREMELY NSFW**** New Music Video - Rihanna - BBHMM

Not loving this video, but figured some would enjoy.

Beyonce Celebrating the U.S. Supreme Court passing of the Marriage Equality Law

Check out Ms. Beyonce throwing her support behind the US Supreme Court passing of the Marriage Equality Law in all of the United States! Happy to see that this country is making strides to equal the playing ground for a sect of people. It would be great if we can get this motivation and support behind other pressing issues as well (race relations, equal pay for women, racial profiling etc...). One thing at a time I suppose (Even though it's been a real long time for some of the issues that need to me addressed- just saying).

In the meantime

Keep shaking Bey, keep on shaking!!

You Can Only Stream Prince's Music On TIDAL Now!!!

Apparently, Prince has pulled the majority of his music catalog from all streaming applications except for Jay Z's TIDAL. So if you are a Prince Fan (like myself), you better get ready to pay that $20 a month to get your Prince fix. Another win for TIDAL. Just when I was getting ready to cancel my subscription, TIDAL pulls in my biggest music crush (still alive).